domingo, 27 de enero de 2019


‘What, me worry?’ is the slogan of Alfred E. Neuman carachter of Mad Magazine

This is the English version of the article "Preocupaciones" previously published in this Blog. I am deeply grateful to Melina Vanni-González for the translation.

There are people inside and outside of Venezuela who are worrying a lot in the last few days, about issues such as foreign interference over the country, whether the opposition government has a concrete plan or not, the ideology of the opposition leaders, or the constitutionality of the actions that have been taken.

Some of those issues sometimes I also worry about (Trump and Bolsonaro influences over the future of Venezuela worry me a lot)


(Links were provided in English in all cases that were possible)

Sometimes, certain "worries", especially if they came up for the first time this week, are only the mask where insensibility, blindness and complicity are hidden.

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